Tuesday, November 12, 2013

NEH Summer Seminar on Teaching Dickens through Adaptation (UC Santa Cruz, July 2014)

“Great Adaptations: Dickens in Literature and Film” is a four-week summer seminar for school teachers funded by the NEH and led by Marty Gould, Associate Professor of English at the University of South Florida. The seminar will be Hosted by the Dickens Project at the University of California at Santa Cruz and will take place July 4th through August 1st, 2014. 

More information about the seminar is available on the web: http://www.greatadaptationsneh.net 
A one-page flyer advertising the seminar can be accessed here: https://sites.google.com/site/nehdickens2014/home/flyer

The seminar will explore the pedagogical potential of literary imitators. By looking at a cluster of films and narrative rewritings of two of Dickens’s most well-known novels ( A Christmas Carol and Great Expectations), the “Great Adaptations” seminar will explore the enduring influence of Dickens on the modern imagination. Taking the position that adaptations can shed fresh light on their source texts, the seminar will consider how teachers can use adaptations in the classroom, either as tools for critical investigation or as a means of student expression and assessment. A major goal of the seminar will be to help teachers identify new ways to use adaptation in the classroom in order to engage students actively in thinking and writing about literature.

The seminar is designed primarily for K-12 teachers, but graduate students with a stated interest in K-12 teaching are also warmly encouraged to apply. Seminar participants will receive a $3300 (taxable) stipend to help defray the costs of travel to Santa Cruz as well as meals and lodging for the four weeks of the seminar.

Applications are to be submitted online. Click here for eligibility information and application instructions. Specific questions can be directed to the seminar director at mgould@usf.edu. The application deadline is 4 March 2014.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013


Welcome to the NEH Great Adaptations Seminar and its blog. As we get closer to the start of the seminar, you will find updated information about travel and housing. Once the seminar gets underway, I will invite the NEH Summer Scholars to help me keep this blog lively with breaking news from the seminar table and links to useful teaching resources. And after the seminar is over, the blog will continue to be available for NEH Summer Scholars to report on their ongoing experiments with Dickens and adaptation in their classrooms.